Sonny Brandtner, NACD.DC

Member Spotlight

Current Boards & Committees

Institute of Internal Auditors Houston Chapter, University of Houston Bauer College of Business Department of Accountancy Advisory Board


What is the last book, podcast, article, or show you watched that really stuck with you?

I recently read, "More than Winning: The Servant-Leader Coach in Contemporary Society" by Dr. Marty Durden. Coach Durden shares his thoughts about passion for mission and selfless leadership.


Coffee or tea?

Coffee. However, I plan on retiring in the UK so considering a transformation towards tea.


If you could give yourself advice on your first day as a board member, what would it be?

Trust yourself to be authentic and be prepared to make a meaningful contribution rooted from experience and knowledge.


What's the most memorable trip you've ever taken?

My 23 year old son and I went to Scotland to play golf in March. It was our first time to spend quality time together since he graduated from college. A great way to start our adult relationship that we will both have as a cherished memory. White water rafting trips in Idaho with the family; a close second.


From your perspective, what are some key traits that the most effective board members possess?

The ability to make a connection with other board member and company officers. Being curious and asking thought provoking questions. Using Steven Covey's words, "Seek to understand, then be understood."


If you could instantly become an expert in any skill or subject, what would it be?

A surgeon. I would join a Mercy Ship and dedicate time to corrective surgeries around the world. A second choice would be a perfect golf swing!


What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

Don't eat yellow snow. Actually, my mother was a role model for the golden rule, living her life treating others fairly with love and respect. I strive to learn from her actions.


What's the most interesting or unusual job you've ever had?

Special Teams Coach for the Presbyterian School football team for two seasons. Coaching was a perfect opportunity to rethink my leadership skills in the business community. I ran for public office during this same period, which was certainly interesting!


If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

Plato, Socrates and Larry David (Creator of the Jerry Seinfeld show) to discuss the meaning of life.


What's your favorite way to relax and unwind?

Playing golf with my son.