Christine "Chris" LaFollette
Boards: Holly Energy Partners '23, NACD Texas TriCities, Texas General Counsel Forum, World Affairs Council.
Christine LaFollette is a strategic business advisor and an independent director. She retired from her law practice at the end of 2020 and is a partner emeritus at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP’s Houston office, one of the world’s largest firms with more than 900 lawyers practicing in more than 20 global offices. She previously served as partner-in-charge of the Houston office and as a member of the firmwide management committee.
In addition to her previous leadership roles, LaFollette was a well-known corporate and financial transaction lawyer specializing in mergers and acquisitions, capital market and private financings, and matters in the boardroom. In private practice, she assisted public companies, boards of directors, and special committees with corporate governance issues, including proxy solicitation from stockholders, audit and compensation committee standards, insider trading requirements of federal securities laws, and compliance with the Dodd-Frank Act and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
LaFollette served on the board of directors for Holly Energy Partners LP (New York Stock Exchange: HEP), as well as on the conflicts committee and compensation committee until December 2023 when they merged with HF Sinclair. She currently serves as the nominating and governance chair on the board of the NACD Texas TriCities Chapter; is on the board of the Texas General Counsel Forum; and is on the World Affairs Council of Greater Houston.